Hello out there, I am Clemens, a passionate software engineer who enjoys creating things from scratch. Currently, I am enrolled as student at the Beuth
University Berlin in Master of Media Informatics.
I love trying different computer languages in various projects or layouting digital content, however my true love and passion lies in web development,
web design and computer graphics.
This dashboard is used in front of a microservice system used for video-transcoding, -distribution and -management. The whole system including the microservice backend will be open source soon.
My girlfriend an I share the bill for grocery shopping and similar things. At the end of the month we sum it all up and divide it by two. My girlfriend does this in an ugly spreadsheet. Of course I can do it better. So I build a desktop app themed with pengiuns (my girlfriend loves them). 😃
There are a lot of Note Apps out there. But none of them works with raw markdown files and a folder structure to categorize and organize your notes. So I build my own one based on Electron and Angular.
Imagine you have products with 50 or more attributes like prize, size, etc. Which are the most relevant for the customers to buy your product? To answer this question for a big renting plattform we created a decision tree, where you can see the most relevant attributes.
You can watch your favourite series on a TV, Laptop, Tablet or even your Smartphone. But there is no central way of managing your watched series and episodes. You either have to chose a mobile app or a website to track your progress. So we build a progressive web app which can do both.
A Website where you can create your personal music charts. You can upload mp3's or attach a link. With this webapp it doesn't matter if one song is only present on e.g. spotify, the others only on youtube.
We build this website for one of the biggest festivals in germany, because there were still managing their lost and found department with paper and pencil.
There are a lot of app where you can track your running or gym progress. But what if you do both or worse, lot more sports. That's were our sports tracker app comes in handy. You can track all kind of sports in just one app.